2020年4月より郡山女子大学短期大学部非常勤講師に着任するなど、後進の指導も意欲的に行なっている。また2020年4月10日より自らのYoutube上で「50日間連続《Portraits in Rhythm》全曲攻略」配信を開始し、5月29日完結。さらには山形県酒田市土門拳記念館とのコラボレーション事業として写真家土門拳に触発された音楽作品《Ken》の配信を開始。荘内日報、河北新報はじめとするメディアからの注目を集めた。新時代に向けた意欲的な活動を継続して行なっている。
Mizuki AITA was born in Sendai-shi, Miyagi prefecture in 1988. After Studying violin from childhood, Start a percussion instrument at the age of 12. After that, at Musashino College of Music in Tokyo, Studied under Sumire Yoshihara.
In the performance contest organized by the JSCM(Japan society Contemporary Music) in 2010, AITA received the second prize as the youngest finalist and attracts attention. This will start the performance activities in various parts of Japan. In cooperation with Japanese contemporary composers, AITA will also devote himself to the premiere of new works for percussion and vibraphone. The commissioned committee ranges from Joji Yuasa, Michio Mamiya, Asuhiko Gondai, Harue Kunieda, Masahiro Yamauchi etc. to young age a such as Shoichi Yabuta, and the range has been diversified, and works premiered have now over 150 works. Through the annual recital held in Tokyo, AITA are striving to disseminate the appeal of percussion music.
In 2018 AITA was invited as a soloist at ISCM World Music Days in Beijing and co-starred with China National Symphony Orchestra. In addition, AITA participated in the NOTES hosted by the Japan Foundation Asia Center as a performer, and at the Yogyakarta performance in Indonesia, in addition to performances, AITA also performed his own music and received favorable reviews. In September, AITA performed the world premiere of the Vibraphone Concerto "SPANDA" composed by Masahiro Yamauchi together with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.In October,AITA performed the world premier of the Vibraphone Concerto ”Saewol” composed by Atuhiko GONDAI together with St.Chirstopher chember Orchestra in Vilnius,Lithuania.AITA get a great Success both of the concerts.